Diced-Out! 0.0.2 Change Log

Major Changes

  • The name of the game is now "Diced-Out!". Don't forget to put an exclamation mark at the end!
  • You can now move dices across obstacles. However, it is still not be able to place dices onto obstacles.
  • Obstacle dodging will only occur with forced placement; game will end at this point.
  • Game will be in Korean by default for a while. Most of the text remain in English, but the description.

Minor Changes

  • You can now quit the game with <esc> at the intro screen.
  • You can now start the game with <enter>.
  • Warning icon will be displayed if the forced placement will be in 3 seconds.
  • Light blue is added as a background colour.

Bug Fix

  • Dices will no longer be placed right after a forced placement. 0.5 seconds is needed to place dices again.
  • Hints will no longer be displayed onto an obstacle.
  • Hints will now be re-calculated after changing dice while in debug mode.


0.0.2_ko_KR (latest) 2.8 MB
Sep 09, 2018

Get Diced-Out!

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